Wednesday 27 July 2011

Al-Shabaab arrests 30 women

Somalian al-Shabaab loyalists have detained at least 30 women for not wearing veils in public as required under Shariah law, officials say.

Al-Shabaab ruled the women taken into custody broke orders by not wearing the required thick, broad veils when leaving their homes, Shabelle Media Network reported Tuesday.

said the women were taken into custody during a sweep of the Afgooye corridor, home to thousands who fled violence in Mogadishu.

The women are being held in al-Shabaab-run jails, as they are still refusing to obey the strict orders and rulings, al-Shabaab officials said.

Al-Shabaab is a U.S.-designated terrorist group attempting to create an Islamic state in Somalia. Under Shariah law, the religious laws of Islam, women are required to wear veils.

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