Saturday 5 November 2011

Justin Bieber Denies Paternity Suit Claim

Mariah Yeater, 20, claims that she had unprotected sex with Justin Bieber after a concert at the Staples Center in October 2010 and that the baby she had in July 2011 is the child of the singer. In the paternity suit filed in San Diego, California, Yeater is requesting that Bieber submit to a paternity test and that he provide her with child support under California law.

Attorneys for Yeater also point out that the young woman is not asking for substantial monetary compensation from Bieber, but rather she simply wants him to acknowledge responsibility for the child. "We call upon Justin Bieber and his attorneys to reach out to resolve this issue in a reasonable manner," was a statement offered by Yeater's legal team.

Bieber would have been 16 at the time of the alleged encounter with Yeater and her attorneys have been quick to point to a lack of a denial from Bieber's camp that the singer had sex with the plaintiff. For his part, Bieber has taken to Twitter to vaguely address the issue, stating that he's going to ignore the swirling rumors and instructing his followers to judge him for his music.

Bieber's camp also responded via its spokesperson and offered the following rather clear denial: "While we haven't yet seen the lawsuit, it's sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims."

This story has the potential to be huge and we'll find out in the coming weeks exactly how credible Ms. Yeater's story really is. It would seem that Bieber submitting quickly to a paternity suit would be the easiest way to put an end to the story one way or another.

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