Wednesday 10 August 2011

Types of Cats

Cats, also termed as domestic cat or house cat, are the predatory carnivorous species that belong to species Felis. They come in a variety of types and are often characterized according to their personality traits, like color, pattern of coat and shape of head, ears, etc. Some cat breeds have long hair and tail, while others have short, some are easy to handle while others take time to settle. Similarly, there are types of cats that don't shed, i.e., they shed no or less hair whereas others shed lots of hair.

Apart from these distinguishing features, there is one major category under which all types of cats can be segregated, i.e. pedigree and non pedigree cats. Pedigree or pure bred cats are those cats that have a family lineage for the past four generations while non pedigree cats are basically mixed or cross bred cats. Hence, if you want to choose a certain breed of cat, you need to know in detail about the different types of cats and their personality traits.

Different Types of Cats

Persian: Being one of the most popular pedigree long haired cat, Persian cat can be a great domestic cat who gel well with other children and even other animals. They are active, extremely responsive, sweet and affectionate cats that will shower their owner with lots of love and companionship. Persian cats have a broad, round head with large eyes, short nose and small ears set wide apart on their head. They come in amazing colors and patterns, and have a long silky, shiny coat.

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