Saturday 13 August 2011

Casey Anthony ordered to serve probation

A Florida judge imposed one year of probation on Casey Anthony for check-fraud, saying it was clear the sentence was to be served after she was freed from jail.

Anthony was acquitted last month of murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee and freed from jail. Her attorneys argued the probation ordered after her 2010 check fraud conviction was served while she awaited trial in jail for the death of her daughter but the judge in the case said he intended for the sentence to be served after she was freed, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Orange-Oseola Chief Judge Belvin Perry Friday rejected the defense claims and imposed probation. He ruled, however, out of concern for Anthony's safety, her address need not be disclosed. A poll released this week indicated Anthony is the most hated person in the country.

Perry criticized Anthony's lawyers for not notifying the court of a Department of Corrections error that started her probation while she was still in jail.

"To permit the defendant, whose counsel was well aware that the probation was to begin upon the defendant's release from jail, to avoid serving probation now, would take a lawfully imposed sentence and make it a mockery of justice," Perry wrote. "This would allow a defendant to take advantage of a scrivener's error and be rewarded. This is not the message the courts want to send to the public or defendants."

Anthony is to report to the Department of Corrections by Aug. 26.

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