Wednesday 10 August 2011

Divorce Rate in America

"American husbands are the best in the world; no other husbands are so generous to their wives, or can be so easily divorced." ~ Elinor Glyn

I guess Elinor Glyn must have done a lot of research before saying this quote because she is so right! Did you know as per a survey, The United States of America tops the list of the countries with most divorces!!! The studies on divorce rate in America say that approximately 40% to 50% marriages end up getting divorced! This means that out of every 2 marriages, 1 would break up. To add to it, if the same trend continues, there is no way that America would fail to be at the top in the coming years as well! Have a look at some of the shocking divorce statistics in America, and find out why America tops the list, as fasr as divorce statistics are concerned.

Divorce Statistics in America

Divorce is a common phenomena in America. Do Americans fail to understand the seriousness and commitment that comes with marriage? Is freedom more important than adjusting? Do they understand the causes and effects of divorce? If you think that 'No' is the answer to these questions, look at the statistics above and think again.
  • As per the Enrichment Journal on the divorce rates in America, 41% of all first marriages in America, end up in divorce! The number rises to 60% when it comes to second marriages, and 73% when it comes to third marriages!!!
  • The highest number of divorces occur in men and women aged between 20-25 years!
  • A study by Barna Research group reveals that 25% of all the adults have been divorced at least once in their life!
  • Did you know that as per a report by The State of Our Unions for the year 2005, only 63% of children n America get a chance to grow up with both their biological parents!
  • At least 66% of all the divorced couples in America are childless. This is also one of the main reasons of getting divorced according to experts. Statistics also reveal that couples with children have lower chances of getting divorced than a couple who is childless.
  • As per the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 25% of marriage within younger couples is 'predicted' to end within 10 years, and the rates increase to 43% in 15 years. However, these are predictions based on the study. I believe that you are the one to decide what happens in your life!
  • Another study of NCHS, reveals that between the years 1975-1998, 75% of divorce cases were filed by women with kids!! That means women took the initiation for divorce.
  • Having said that, another research as per the American Law and Economics Review, the current scenario is that women now file more than 70% divorce cases in some states in America.

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