Tuesday 9 August 2011

Suspected militants killed in drone strike

Missiles that may have been fired by a U.S. drone Wednesday killed several suspected militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, officials said.

CNN, quoting two Pakistani intelligence officials, said the missiles killed seven suspected pro-Taliban militants in the region near the border with Afghanistan. Other reports gave a much higher toll.

CNN reported the missile strikes targeted a militant hideout in the Gora Qabristan area of the region, seen by U.S. experts as a haven used by militants to launch attacks on U.S. and NATO forces across the border in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani intelligence officials told CNN the militants belonged to a Haqqani network, accused of attacking the coalition forces in Afghanistan.

The report said U.S. officials -- who maintain rogue elements within Pakistan's main spy agency the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate are supportive of the militants -- have been urging the Pakistani military to go after the Haqqani network in North

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