Monday 8 August 2011

How to Correctly Grip a Squash Racquet

Mastering a sport, while definitely requiring practice, also requires the player to start off with the correct techniques of playing the sport. If you pick up wrong techniques and continue with them, your game can suffer, and it will take a lot of effort from your side to correct these techniques later on. Once you have familiarized yourself with the basic rules of squash, you can move on to choosing the right racquet and grip, the right shoes, and so on... The correct grip can add that power, zing, spin, accuracy, and variation in your shots, giving you an advantage in your game.

The term 'Grip' can mean two things. One refers to the way you hold the racquet, while the other refers to the padding on the handle, which is fitted on it to make the handle fit properly in your palm. Both are important when it comes to squash. The correct size of the grip will make the racquet fit more snugly in your palm and thus give you better hold on the racquet.

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