Thursday 4 August 2011

EU wind energy use to triple by 2020

The use of wind energy among EU members is expected to triple by the end of the decade, the European Wind Energy Association predicts.

The association said that Ireland, Denmark and Portugal will lead the European community in wind energy by 2020 with wind energy making up 52, 38 and 28 percent their energy production, respectively.

The EWEA said electricity production from wind will increase from about 5.5 percent of total European demand in 2010 to more than 15 percent of total demand by 2020.

EWEA Policy Director Justin Wilkes said in a statement that wind energy output should triple by 2020, largely driven by European efforts to reduce emissions and use more clean energy by the end of the decade.

"Wind power will not only make a very substantial contribution to meeting Europe's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," he said in a statement. "It strongly accelerates a shift away from expensive fossil fuels, creates jobs, makes Europe more competitive and provides secure and renewable power production in Europe."

The wind association adds that wind energy production by 2020 could be equivalent to all of the energy used by households in France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom combined.

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