Thursday 4 August 2011

Elementary school accidentally shows porn

A hardcore pornographic movie was accidentally screened at PS 17 in Brooklyn, N.Y., school officials said.

Students from five classes at the school had assembled to watch "Camp Rock," a Disney Channel movie starring the Jonas Brothers, but after a teacher powered up the DVD player and walked away to get the Disney movie, a skin flick began to play, the New York Post reported Sunday.

The students, some as young as 5-years-old, were exposed to 45-seconds of sex acts in the incident late last month, the newspaper said.

"My son told his friend he saw a naked lady at school," said Rona Easton, whose 6-year-old son, Cass, viewed the snippet with his kindergarten class. "I thought he was just being silly. It's appalling."

Principal Robert Marchi sent home a letter to parents the day of the incident.

"A very explicit pornographic video came on the screen," Marchi wrote. "This was extremely upsetting to the students and staff members in attendance. ... I am deeply sorry that this episode took place at PS 17. I know that we will make every effort to find out who was responsible for this despicable act."

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